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Keeping your property beautiful all year round!

IPM’s annual lawn and ornamental pest control program includes insect, disease and weed control.  Fertilization services are also available.  Our treatments are based on sound agronomic and entomological principles and information supplied by sources such as the University of Florida and their Ft. Lauderdale Research Facility. Since many of our clients are concerned with pesticide use on their property we perform monthly inspections to catch pest outbreaks as early as possible.  Early problem detection allows pesticides use to be kept to a minimum and keeps small pest infestations from becoming larger.  We also provide unlimited call backs at no additional charge to

provide unlimited call backs at no additional charge to resolve problems that may occur between our regularly scheduled visits to your property. If your plants or sod become heavily infested with insects and cannot recover….we replace them free of charge.

In the early days of pest control, companies sprayed the customer’s entire yard with pesticides.  Pesticides were applied to all plants, whether they had pest problems or not, and were applied each month, month after month, year after year, forever, as long as the customer was paying for the service.  This method of pest control was successful at reducing pests because the early pesticides used were broad spectrum and long lasting.  However, this indiscriminate use of pesticides was poisoning the food chain and resulted in unforeseen problems.  Fortunately, many highly toxic, broad spectrum, long lasting pesticides have been banned and replaced with more target specific products that quickly break down.  In addition, we have learned that the blanketing of pesticides actually increases pest problems and that applying pesticides frequently results in pesticide resistance, poor control, and the need for additional chemical applications.

IPM believes if a pesticide is not needed or would not work in a given situation then it should not be applied.  If your plants are attacked by an insect or disease for which there is no chemical method of control we will advise you about the various cultural controls that can be implemented to alleviate the problem or recommend a replacement plant that is more tolerate of the conditions in your landscape.  Although we cannot prevent your property from becoming blemished by an insect infestation we can control the problem before it reaches a level that the plants will not recover from the attack. We know results are what you expect and guarantee that if your plants can't recover from an insect infestation we will replace them free of charge.

Schedule an appointment with one of our experts today!
Call IPM at 561-278-9071

Integrated Plant Management



Pest Control and Lawn Treatments
Serving Boca Raton and all of South Florida


2740 Northwest First Avenue
Boca Raton, Florida 33431

Phone: (561) 278-9071
Fax: (561) 393-1084

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© 2021 IPM Pest Control. Website by John Cuck / Apertus Interactive

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